Course Code | Course Name | Credits |
AAS 206 | Contemporary Issues of Asian and Pacific Islander Americans | 5 |
AAS 310 | Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the Pacific Northwest | 5 |
AAS 350 | Critical Overseas Chinese/Chinese American Histories | 5 |
AAS 392/GWSS 392 | Asian American and Pacific Islander Women | 5 |
AAS 406/HSTAA 406 | Asian American Activism | 5 |
AES 340 | Race, Ethnicity, and Education | 5 |
AIS 103 | The Indigenous Pacific Northwest | 5 |
AIS 202 | Introduction to American Indian Contemporary and Social Issues | 5 |
AIS 203 | Introduction to Indigenous Knowledges | 5 |
AIS 270/JSIS A 270 | Native Peoples of the Pacific Northwest | 5 |
AIS 340 | Indian Children and Families | 5 |
AIS 461/JSIS A 426 | First Nations Government and Politics in Canada | 5 |
ANTH 269 | The Modern Middle East and Central Asia | 5 |
ANTH 313 | Peoples of Africa | 5 |
ANTH 316/JSIS A 316 | Modern South Asia | 5 |
ANTH 318 | Anthropology of Islam and Muslim Societies | 5 |
ANTH 323/LSJ 321 | Human Rights Law in Culture and Practice | 5 |
ANTH 328/GWSS 328/JSIS A 328 | Gender and Sexuality in China | 5 |
ANTH 339**/JSIS A 339 A | Social Movements in Contemporary India | 5 |
ANTH 357/JSIS A 357/MELC 357 | Cultures of Central Eurasia | 5 |
ANTH 369 | Climate Justice And Oceania | 5 |
ANTH 407/JSIS A 407 | Global Futures in East Asia | 5 |
ANTH 413 | Anthropology of the Modern Middle East and North Africa | 5 |
ANTH 416/CHSTU 416 | Comparative Social Movements: Mexico and the United States | 5 |
ANTH 425/JSIS A 427 | Anthropology of the Post-Soviet States | 5 |
ANTH 442/GWSS 446/JSIS A 452 | Global Asia | 5 |
ANTH 443/JSIS A 449 | Anthropology of Modern Japan | 5 |
ANTH 444/JSIS A 403 | Politics of Representation in Modern China | 5 |
ANTH 448/JSIS A 448 | Modern Korean Society | 5 |
ANTH 449 | Social Transformation of Modern East Asia | 5 |
ANTH 492 | Settler Colonialism | 3 |
ARCTIC 200 | Indigenous Diplomacies and Int'l Relations in the Arctic | 3 |
CHID 280/JSIS A 280 | Indigenous Encounters: Politics, Culture, and Representation in Latin America | 5 |
CHID 484 | Colonial Encounters | 5 |
CHSTU 101 | The Chicano/Mexican Ethnic Experience in the US | 5 |
CHSTU 320 | Food Sovereignty Movements in Mexico and the | 5 |
CHSTU 352 | Latina/o Migrations: A Comparative Analysis | 5 |
CHSTU 416/ANTH 416 | Comparative Social Movements: Mexico and the United States | 5 |
ECON 491 | Issues in Economic Development | 5 |
ECON 492 | Macroeconomics of Emerging Markets | 5 |
ECON 495 | Economies in Transition | 5 |
GEOG 123 | Introduction to Globalization | 5 |
GEOG 208 | Geography of the World Economy: Regional Fortunes and the Rise of Global Markets | 5 |
GEOG 236/JSIS A 236 | Development and Challenge in Greater China | 5 |
GEOG 277 | Geography of Cities | 5 |
GEOG 310 | Immigrant America: Trends and Policies from a Geographic Perspective | 5 |
GEOG 330 | Latin America: Landscapes of Change | 5 |
| | |
GEOG 335 / JSIS B 335 | Geography of the Developing World | 5 |
GEOG 336 | Development and Challenge in China | 5 |
GEOG 337 | Migration and Development in China | 5 |
GEOG 342 | Geography of Inequality | 5 |
GEOG 375/JSIS B 375 | Geopolitics | 5 |
GEOG 381 | Maps and Health | 5 |
GEOG 403 | Transnational Latinx Migrations | 5 |
GEOG 431 | Geography and Gender | 5 |
GEOG 435 | Industrialization and Urbanization in China | 5 |
| | |
GWSS 333 | Gender and Globalization | 5 |
GWSS 328/JSIS A 328/ANTH 328 | Gender and Sexuality in China | 5 |
GWSS 339/ANTH 339/JSIS A 339 | Social Movements in Contemporary India | 5 |
GWSS 392/AAS 392 | Asian American and Pacific Islander Women | 5 |
GWSS 446/ANTH 442/JSIS A 452 | Global Asia | 5 |
HSTAA 406/AAS 406 | Asian American Activism | 5 |
HSTAA 480/JSIS A 488 | Labor & Popular Movements in Latin America | 5 |
HSTAFM 151 | Africa in the Era of the Atlantic Slave Trade | 5 |
HSTAFM 152 | Introduction to African History, c. 1880-Present | 5 |
HSTAFM 162 | History of the Islamic Middle East, 600-1800 | 5 |
HSTAFM 163 | The Modern Middle East | 5 |
HSTAFM 278 | Modern North Africa | 5 |
HSTAFM 453 | Health and Illness in Africa | 5 |
HSTAFM 463 | Modern Persian Gulf | 5 |
HSTAS 202/JSIS A 202 | Introduction to South Asian History, 1500 - present | 5 |
HSTAS 211 | History of Chinese Civilization | 5 |
HSTAS 212/JSIS A 212 | History of Korean Civilization | 5 |
HSTAS 221/JSIS A 221 | History of Southeast Asia | 5 |
HSTAS 241/JSIS A 241 | Japanese Civilization | 5 |
HSTAS 245/JSIS A 245 | Human Rights in Asia | 5 |
HSTAS 254/JSIS A 254 | China in the Twentieth Century | 5 |
HSTAS 264/JSIS B 264 | Violence, Race, and Memory | 5 |
HSTAS 265 / JSIS A 265 | The Viet Nam Wars | 5 |
HSTAS 327/JSIS A 327 | China and the West in Historical Perspective, 1500-1976 | 5 |
| | |
HSTAS 404/JSIS A 409 | History of Twentieth-Century India | 5 |
HSTAS 423/JSIS A 423 | History of Modern Japan | 5 |
HSTAS 424/JSIS A 424 | The Emergence of Postwar Japan | 5 |
HSTAS 440/JSIS A 440 | Japanese History in Ecological Perspective | 5 |
HSTAS 463 | Southeast Asian History from 1800 to the Present | 5 |
HSTAS 482 | History of Modern Korea | 5 |
HSTCMP 205 / JSIS A 205 | Filipino Histories | 5 |
HSTCMP 340/JSIS B 340 | The Cold War: Realities, Myths, Legacies | 5 |
HSTCMP 485 | Comparative Colonialism | 5 |
HSTEU 113 | Europe and the Modern World | 5 |
HSTEU 245 | St. Petersburg/Leningrad: City as History | 5 |
HSTEU 276 | Postwar: European History and Film after 1945 | 5 |
HSTEU 290 | Topics in European History | 5 |
HSTEU 303 | Europe Since 1789 | 5 |
HSTEU 376 | Modern Irish History | 5 |
HSTEU 381/SCAND 381 | History of Scandinavia Since 1720 | 5 |
HSTEU 445/JSIS A 445 | The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union | 5 |
HSTEU 451 | East-Central Europe Since 1342 | 5 |
HSTEU 452 | Eastern Europe Since 1918 | 5 |
HSTEU 454/SCAND 454 | Baltic History | 5 |
HSTLAC 185 | Race, Gender, and Class in Latin America and the Caribbean | 5 |
HSTLAC 282 | History of Mexico: Culture, Identity, and the Politics of Rule from the Aztecs to the Present | 5 |
HSTLAC 325/JSIS A 325 | Modern Mexico: Culture, Politics and Society | 5 |
HSTLAC 384 | Latin America: Inter-American and Intra-Continental Relations | 5 |
HSTLAC 385 | Colonial Society and the Negotiation of Rule in Latin America and the Caribbean | 5 |
HSTLAC 386 | The Challenges of Post-Coloniality in Latin America and the Caribbean | 5 |
HSTLAC 481 | History of Peru and the Andean Region | 5 |
HSTLAC 482 | The History of Brazil: Colonial Period to the Present | 5 |
I BUS 330 | Business Environment in Developing Nations | 4 |
I BUS 462/JSIS A 478 | Japanese Business and Technology | 5 |
JSIS 202 | Cultural Interactions in an Interdependent World | 5 |
JSIS 203 | Rise of Asia | 5 |
JSIS 222 | Global Markets, Local Economies | 5 |
JSIS 478 A | Diaspora Communities in Seattle and Beyond | 5 |
JSIS A 202/HSTAS 202 | Introduction to South Asian History, 1500 - present | 5 |
JSIS A 205 / HSTCMP 205 | Filipino Histories | 5 |
JSIS A 206 | Contemporary India and Pakistan | 5 |
JSIS A 210/MELC 229 | Introduction to Islamic Civilization | 5 |
JSIS A 212/HSTAS 212 | History of Korean Civilization | 5 |
JSIS A 213 | The Korean Peninsula and World Politics | 5 |
JSIS A 221/HSTAS 221 | History of Southeast Asia | 5 |
JSIS A 236/GEOG 236 | Development and Challenge in Greater China | 5 |
JSIS A 241/HSTAS 241 | Japanese Civilization | 5 |
JSIS A 242 | Introduction to Contemporary Japan | 5 |
JSIS A 245/HSTAS 245 | Human Rights in Asia | 5 |
JSIS A 254 /HSTAS 254 | China in the Twentieth Century | 5 |
JSIS A 265 /HSTAS 265 | The Viet Nam Wars | 5 |
JSIS A 268/MELC 268 | Silk Road and Globalization | 5 |
JSIS A 270/AIS 270 | Native Peoples of the Pacific Northwest | 5 |
JSIS A 280/CHID 280 | Indigenous Encounters: Politics, Culture, and Representation in Latin America | 5 |
JSIS A 301 | Europe Today | 5 |
JSIS A 302 | The Politics and Cultures of Europe | 5 |
JSIS A 305 | Changing Generations in Japan and East Asia | 5 |
JSIS A 316/ANTH 316 | Modern South Asia | 5 |
JSIS A 322/POL S 322 | International Political Economy of Latin America | 5 |
JSIS A 323 | United States-Latin American Relations | 5 |
JSIS A 324/LSJ 322 | Human Rights in Latin America | 5 |
JSIS A 325/HSTLAC 325 | Modern Mexico: Culture, Politics and Society | 5 |
JSIS A 327/HSTAS 327 | China and the West in Historical Perspective, 1500-1976 | 5 |
JSIS A 328/ANTH 328/GWSS 328 | Gender and Sexuality in China | 5 |
JSIS A 339/ANTH 339/GWSS 339 | Social Movements in Contemporary India | 5 |
JSIS A 340/POL S 340 | Politics of India, Pakistan, and South Asia | 5 |
JSIS A 342/POL S 342 | Government and Politics of Latin America | 5 |
JSIS A 345/SCAND 345 | Baltic Cultures | 5 |
JSIS A 349 | Migration and Multiculturalism in the Mediterranean | 5 |
JSIS A 355/SOC 355 | Social Change in Latin America | 5 |
| | |
JSIS A 362 | The Political Economy of Africa | 5 |
JSIS A 402 | The Middle East in the Modern World | 5 |
JSIS A 403/ANTH 444 | Politics of Representation in Modern China | 5 |
JSIS A 405/ANTH 449 | Social Transformation of Modern East Asia | 5 |
JSIS A 406/ANTH 406 | China's Environment (see prereqs) | 5 |
JSIS A 407/ANTH 407 | Global Futures in East Asia | 5 |
JSIS A 408 / POL S 442 | Government and Politics of China | 5 |
JSIS A 409/HSTAS 404 | History of Twentieth-Century India | 5 |
JSIS A 416 | North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) | 5 |
JSIS A 417/POL S 417 | Political Economy of India | 5 |
JSIS A 419 | Southeast Asian Knowledge and the Politics of Information | 5 |
JSIS A 420 | Post-Soviet Security | 5 |
JSIS A 423/HSTAS 423 | History of Modern Japan | 5 |
JSIS A 424/HSTAS 424 | The Emergence of Postwar Japan | 5 |
| | |
JSIS A 426/AIS 461 | First Nations Government and Politics in Canada | 5 |
JSIS A 427/ANTH 425 | Anthropology of the Post-Soviet States | 5 |
JSIS A 430 | The Soviet Empire: Creation, Consolidation, and Collapse | 5 |
JSIS A 431/SOC 434 | Demographic Issues in Asia | 5 |
JSIS A 435/POL S 435 | Japanese Government and Politics | 5 |
JSIS A 437/POL S 424 | International Relations of Japan | 5 |
JSIS A 440/HSTAS 440 | Japanese History in Ecological Perspective | 5 |
JSIS A 442/SCAND 445 | War and Occupation in Northern Europe: History, Fiction, and Memoir | 5 |
JSIS A 445/HSTEU 445 | The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union | 5 |
JSIS A 448/ANTH 448 | Modern Korean Society | 5 |
JSIS A 449/ANTH 443 | Anthropology of Modern Japan | 5 |
JSIS A 452/ANTH 442/GWSS 446 | Global Asia | 5 |
JSIS A 455/SCAND 455 | Baltic Politics and Society Today | 5 |
JSIS A 459 / POL S 419 | United States-China Relations | 5 |
JSIS A 464/SOC 464 | Contemporary Society in the People's Republic of China | 5 |
JSIS A 465 | International Humanitarian Law | 5 |
JSIS A 466/POL S 480 | Comparative Politics and Korea Studies | 5 |
JSIS A 468 | Russia and the International System | 5 |
JSIS A 469 | North Korean Society | 5 |
JSIS A 473 | Political Economy of Postwar Japan | 5 |
JSIS 478 | Special Topics in International and Global Studies | 5 |
| | |
JSIS A 490/POL S 445 | Politics and Society in Eastern Europe | 5 |
JSIS A 493 | Water and Security in the Middle East | 5 |
JSIS B 264/HSTAS 264 | Violence, Race, and Memory | 5 |
JSIS B 324 | Immigration | 5 |
JSIS B 333 | Gender and Globalization | 5 |
JSIS B 335 / GEOG 335 | Geography of the Developing World | 5 |
JSIS B 340/HSTCMP 340 | The Cold War: Realities, Myths, Legacies | 5 |
JSIS B 365 | World Cities | 5 |
JSIS B 375/GEOG 375 | Geopolitics | 5 |
JSIS B 441 | Forced Migrations | 5 |
| | |
LSJ 322/JSIS A 324 | Human Rights in Latin America | 5 |
| | |
MELC 266 | The Modern Middle East and Central Asia | 5 |
| | |
MELC 288 | Introduction to the Horn of Africa | 5 |
MELC 328/B H 339 A | Bioethics: Secular and Jewish Perspectives | 3 |
| | |
MELC 358 | Islam and Muslims in China | 5 |
NURS 431 | Child Health | 5 |
NUTR 412 | United States Food Systems Policy | 5 |
POL S 213/JSIS A 213 | The Korean Peninsula and World Politics | 5 |
POL S 322/JSIS A 322 | International Political Economy of Latin America | 5 |
POL S 325 | The Arab-Israeli Conflict | 5 |
POL S 326/SCAND 326 | Scandinavia in World Affairs | 5 |
POL S 328 | International Organizations | 5 |
POL S 331 | Government and Politics in the Middle East and North Africa | 5 |
POL S 335 | Topics in Political Economy | 5 |
POL S 340/JSIS A 340 | Politics of India, Pakistan, and South Asia | 5 |
POL S 342/JSIS A 342 | Government and Politics of Latin America | 5 |
POL S 346 | Governments of Western Europe | 5 |
POL S 417/JSIS A 417 | Political Economy of India | 5 |
POL S 419 / JSIS A 459 | United States-China Relations | 5 |
POL S 424/JSIS A 437 | International Relations of Japan | 5 |
POL S 427 | International Political Economy | 5 |
POL S 435/JSIS A 435 | Japanese Government and Politics | 5 |
POL S 437/SCAND 437 | Politics in Scandinavia | 5 |
POL S 442 / JSIS A 408 | Government and Politics of China | 5 |
POL S 445/JSIS A 490 | Politics and Society in Eastern Europe | 5 |
POL S 460 | Political Economy of the European Union | 5 |
POL S 480/JSIS A 466 | Comparative Politics and Korea Studies | 5 |
SCAND 100 | Introduction to Scandinavian Culture | 5 |
SCAND 155 | Danish Literary and Cultural History | 5 |
SCAND 156 | Introduction to Swedish Literary and Cultural History | 5 |
SCAND 200 | Scandinavia Today | 5 |
SCAND 326/POL S 326 | Scandinavia in World Affairs | 5 |
SCAND 345/JSIS A 345 | Baltic Cultures | 5 |
SCAND 367 | Sexuality in Scandinavia: Myth and Reality | 5 |
SCAND 381/HSTEU 381 | History of Scandinavia Since 1720 | 5 |
SCAND 437/POL S 437 | Politics in Scandinavia | 5 |
SCAND 445/JSIS A 442 | War and Occupation in Northern Europe: History, Fiction, and Memoir | 5 |
SCAND 454/HSTEU 454 | Baltic History | 5 |
SCAND 455/JSIS A 455 | Baltic Politics and Society Today | 5 |
SOC 355/JSIS A 355 | Social Change in Latin America | 5 |
SOC 434/JSIS A 431 | Demographic Issues in Asia | 5 |
SOC 464/JSIS A 464 | Contemporary Society in the People's Republic of China | 5 |
SOC 470 | Contemporary Southeast Asia | 5 |