The Department of Global Health promotes and supports the use of economic evaluation for priority setting at both global and national levels through the Disease Control Priorities Network (DCPN). DCPN promotes evidence-based priority setting to inform policy and improve resource allocations for health in low-and-middle-income-countries, through the publication of Disease Control Priorities, 3rd Edition, and direct engagement with policymakers, health professionals, academic organizations, and researchers. Led by Charles Mock, PhD, and Dean Jamison, PhD.

Health Economic Impact Studies for Translation (HEIST) provides support for incorporating health economic into clinical trials and intervention studies. HEIST is a program in the Department of Global Health that facilitates the integration of health economic analyses into global health research and implementation with the aim of building efficient programs that maximize health benefits. HEIST researchers collaborate with faculty and staff and mentor graduate students on costing, cost-effectiveness analyses, mathematical modeling of infectious diseases and behavioral economics throughout the research cycle. HEIST's services and resources can be accessed during the grant writing period and continue with provision of technical support for designing and conducting health economic evaluations, offering a series of training workshops, linking researchers with existing guidelines, resources and projects, strengthening capacity at the country level, manuscript review and dissemination support. Led by Monisha Sharma, with Yanfang Su, David Watkins, and Marcia Weaver.

Health Economics Overview

Projects 1
Countries 5
Faculty 4