- Clinical Instructor, Global Health
- Senior Research Advisor, OutRight Action International

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Ms. Bishop is a global health and human rights consultant and has worked in more than 20 countries. She is also the Consultant Research Advisor for OutRight Action International, a global LGBTIQ human rights organization, where she also served on the Board of Directors for 9 years. As a consultant, she primarily focuses on HIV, TB, and health access for key populations, as well as on women’s cancers. Her expertise is in qualitative research and monitoring and evaluation; interim leadership (e.g., $21 million program on TB in Zambia); program design and grant writing capacity-building; and strategic planning. From 1989 to 2014, she worked at PATH, where she held various leadership and technical roles, including Ukraine Country Director, focusing primarily on TB, and HIV, and on women’s cancers. Ms. Bishop is on the Civic Council for the UW Jackson School of International Studies’ Master’s Degree in Applied International Studies, representing LGBTIQ human rights perspectives and was recently selected to serve on Seattle’s Women in Global Health Advisory Panel. She holds Master’s Degrees in Social Work and Public Health from Columbia University and was a Peace Corps Volunteer.
- MSW (Columbia University)
- MPH (Columbia University)
- BA (Pomona College)
- Cancer
- Cervical Cancer
- Sexuality
- Social Justice and Human Rights
- TB
Bishop A. HARMFUL TREATMENT: The Global Reach of So-Called Conversion Therapy. OutRight Action International. 2019.
Bishop A, Dvaladze A, Tsu V, Duggan C. Tanzania Breast Health Care Assessment: An Assessment of Breast Cancer Early Detection, Diagnosis, and Treatment in Tanzania. Susan G Komen; Breast Cancer Initiative 2.5, Tanzania Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly, and Children. October 2017.
Scheel JR, Bishop A, Murray M, Weigl B, Lehman CD. Breast Ultrasound Following a Positive Clinical Breast Examination: Does It Have a Role in Low- and Middle-Income Countries? Journal of Global Radiology, 1(2), 2015. http://escholarship.umassmed.edu/jgr/vol1/iss2/1/
Hayes-Constant TK, Winkler JL, Bishop A, Taboada-Palomino L. Perilous Uncertainty: Situating Women's Breast-Health Seeking in Northern Peru. Qualitative Health Research. April 18, 2014. http://qhr.sagepub.com/content/early/2014/04/17/1049732314529476
Bishop, A. Thanks, Angelina—Now Let’s Help Women with Breast Cancer in Poor Countries. Huffington Post. July 22, 2013. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/amie-bishop/breast-health-developing-countries_b_3319885.html