- Professor Emeritus, Global Health
- Professor Emeritus, Medicine - General Internal Medicine

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James LoGerfo, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.C.P. is a UW professor in the Department of Medicine and the Department of Global Health. He earned his bachelor's degree at John Hopkins, his M.D. from the University of Rochester, and his M.P.H. from the UW School of Public Health. He first came to the UW as a resident in internal medicine after spending two years in the USPHS-Indian Health Service.
His professional activities have focused on bridging the worlds of clinical medicine and public health, including issues such as access to care; technology assessment; quality assessment and improvement (including the development of large regional data systems); and adapting evidence-based research for community-based programs to support healthy aging. He served as associate dean in the School of Medicine and as medical director of Harborview Medical Center (HMC) from 1988-1999. While in that role, he led efforts to develop computer-based records, a fully integrated hospital-wide quality improvement program and fostered the development of award winning community outreach programs. From 1999-2006, he was director of the UW Health Promotion Research Center (UW-HPRC) funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The UW-HPRC has a mission to work with community-based partners to develop sustainable programs to promote healthy aging. He served for seven years as the principal investigator of the lead center for the CDC's Healthy Aging Network, helped shape CDC’s agenda on community approaches to promoting healthy aging, and received the Distinguished Service Award of the CDC’s Prevention Research Centers Program in 2008.
He is now involved in global health and is developing linkages between the UW and health professional training programs in Cambodia and neighboring countries. He continues clinical care and teaching responsibilities as an internist at Harborview Medical Center.
Dr. LoGerfo has published 111 peer-reviewed scientific articles with a special emphasis on operations research and quality assessment and improvement, access to care for vulnerable populations and chronic disease in SE Asia.
- Khmer
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Mental Health
- Non-Communicable Diseases