- Affiliate Professor, Global Health

IMPACTA PERU Clinical Trials Unit
Asociacion Civil Impacta Salud y Educacion
Av. Almirante Miguel Grau No. 1010
Lima 4, Peru
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Dr. Javier R. Lama is a Specialist in Infectious and Tropical Diseases, who in 2004, earned a Master in Public Health´s Degree and a Certificate of International Health at University of Washington. Dr. Lama is the Principal Investigator of the US NIH/NIAID funded IMPACTA PERU Clinical Trials Unit, whose overarching goal is to contribute to the design and implementation of clinical research, across the continuum from prevention to treatment, to decrease new HIV infections, reduce HIV associated co-morbidity and mortality, and ultimately end the HIV epidemic.
During the last 20 years, Dr. Lama has collaborated and led planning, designing, implementing and managing multi-disciplinary clinical research to better understand the basics and optimize the prevention and treatment of HIV, tuberculosis and sexually transmitted infections. He has assisted multiple staff members with the preparation of research grants and protocol implementation in the sites under his leadership. Dr. Lama has also mentored and co-mentored different pre- and post-doctoral students from different Peruvian and American academic institutions by involving them in his research activities.
- MD (Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia)
- MPH (University of Washington)
- Spanish
- COVID-19
- Epidemiology
- Hepatitis
- Herpes
- HIV Transmission
- Implementation Science
- Infectious Diseases
- Infectious Diseases (other than STDs)
- STDs (other than HIV)
- TB
- Transgender Health
Patient-oriented research, epidemiological and behavioral studies, and outcomes and health services research focused on the prevention and treatment of HIV, tuberculosis and sexually transmitted infections
Swindells S, Ramchandani R, Gupta A, Benson CA, Leon-Cruz J, Mwelase N, Jean Juste MA, Lama JR, Valencia J, Omoz-Oarhe A, Supparatpinyo K, Masheto G, Mohapi L, da Silva Escada RO, Mawlana S, Banda P, Severe P, Hakim J, Kanyama C, Langat D, Moran L, Andersen J, Fletcher CV, Nuermberger E, Chaisson RE; BRIEF TB/A5279 Study Team. One Month of Rifapentine plus Isoniazid to Prevent HIV-Related Tuberculosis. N Engl J Med. 2019 Mar 14;380(11):1001-1011. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1806808. PMID: 30865794; PMCID: PMC6563914.
Lama JR, Mayer KH, Perez-Brumer AG, Huerta L, Sanchez H, Clark JL, Sanchez J, Reisner SL. Integration of Gender-Affirming Primary Care and Peer Navigation With HIV Prevention and Treatment Services to Improve the Health of Transgender Women: Protocol for a Prospective Longitudinal Cohort Study. JMIR Res Protoc. 2019 Jun 27;8(6):e14091. doi: 10.2196/14091. PMID: 31250829; PMCID: PMC6620883.
Lama JR, Brezak A, Dobbins JG, Sanchez H, Cabello R, Rios J, Bain C, Ulrich A, De la Grecca R, Sanchez J, Duerr A. Design Strategy of the Sabes Study: Diagnosis and Treatment of Early HIV Infection Among Men Who Have Sex With Men and Transgender Women in Lima, Peru, 2013-2017. Am J Epidemiol. 2018 Aug 1;187(8):1577-1585. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwy030. Erratum in: Am J Epidemiol. 2018 Aug 1;187(8):1828. PMID: 29522079; PMCID: PMC6070040.
Trebelcock WL, Lama JR, Duerr A, Sanchez H, Cabello R, Gilada T, Segura P, Reisner SL, Mayer KH, Mullins J, Bender Ignacio RA. HIV pretreatment drug resistance among cisgender MSM and transgender women from Lima, Peru. J Int AIDS Soc. 2019 Nov;22(11):e25411. doi: 10.1002/jia2.25411. PMID: 31773888; PMCID: PMC6880186
Lama JR, Ignacio RAB, Alfaro R, Rios J, Cartagena JG, Valdez R, Bain C, Barbarán KS, Villaran MV, Pilcher CD, Gonzales P, Sanchez J, Duerr A; for the Sabes Study Team. Clinical and Immunologic Outcomes after Immediate or Deferred Antiretroviral Therapy Initiation during Primary HIV Infection: The Sabes Randomized Clinical Study. Clin Infect Dis. 2020 Feb 28:ciaa167. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciaa167. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32107526.