- Adjunct Professor, Global Health
- Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

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Julian Marshall is the John R. Kiely Endowed Professor In the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at University of Washington.
Marshall's research is at the intersection of air quality engineering and public health: understanding how much pollution people breathe, and how to reduce those exposures. His specific areas of focus are
(1) Mechanistic and empirical modeling of air pollution, to understand how concentrations vary in space and time, and how concentrations and health impacts would change in response to changes in emissions.
(2) Measuring and modeling air pollution exposures in developing countries (at present, mainly India), including how exposures change in response to interventions.
(3) Environmental justice: understanding who is more exposed or less exposed to air pollution, how those exposures correlate with demographic attributes such as race and income, and how exposure disparities might shift if emissions from specific sources were to increase or decrease.
Before coming to UW in 2016, Marshall was at University of Minnesota, where he founded the Masters International program in Environmental Engineering and, with Fred Rose, the Acara program in social entrepreneurship. At UW, Marshall founded the Grand Challenges Impact Lab (GCIL). GCIL offers a winter-quarter class in Bangalore, India, where students work with local organizations to apply tools of social innovation to local problems, such as rural education, sanitation, low-income housing, public health, migration, and more.
- BSE (Princeton University)
- MS (University of California (Berkeley))
- PhD (University of California (Berkeley))
- Environmental Health (incl. Climate Change)
- Race
- Social Enterprise and Innovation
- Social Justice and Human Rights
C Tessum, JS Apte, AL Goodkind, NZ Muller, KA Mullins, D Paolella, S Polasky, NP Springer, SK Thakrar, JD Marshall, JD Hill. Inequity in Consumption Widens Racial-ethnic Disparities in Air Pollution Exposure. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2019.
TW Aung; J Baumgartner, G Jain, K Sethuraman, C Reynolds, JD Marshall, M Brauer. Effect on blood pressure and eye health symptoms in a climate-financed randomized cookstove intervention study in rural India. Environmental Research.2018, 166:658-667.
M Sanchez, A Ambros, C Mila, M Salmon, K Balakrishnan, S Sambandamm, V Sreekanth, JD Marshall, C Tonne. Development of land-use regression models for fine particles and black carbon in peri-urban South India. Science of the Total Environment. 2018, 634:77-86.
AP Grieshop, G Jain, K Sethuraman, JD Marshall. Emission factors of health- and climate-relevant pollutants measured in-home during a carbon-finance-approved cookstove intervention in rural India. GeoHealth. 2017, 1(5): 222–236.
CW Tessum, JD Marshall, JD Hill. Life cycle air quality impacts of conventional and alternative light-duty transportation in the United States. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2014, 111(52), 18490–18495.