- Vice President, Research and Development

1616 Eastlake Ave E, Suite 550
Seattle, WA 98102
Sean Gray has been at PAI Life Sciences for 10 years and held the position of VP of Research and Development for the previous 6 years. At PAI, we work to advance a diverse project portfolio in areas including vaccines for neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), adjuvants, drugs to treat XDR and MDR Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and cancer immunotherapies. Among Dr. Grays roles is overseeing the daily activities of our research staff, including Dr. Jiho Kim, a recent graduate of Pathobiology Ph.D. program. Current PAI activities include a first clinical trial for a vaccine against human schistosomiasis as well as pre- clinical development of a human lymphatic filariasis (River Blindness) vaccine and a canine vaccine against Dirofilarial heartworms. Prior to PAI Life Sciences, Dr. Gray was a Principal Scientist for 7 years at SBRI/Seattle BioMed working briefly in the laboratory of Leo Stamatatos and then for 6 years with Jerry Cangelosi focusing on parasitic diseases Entamoeba histolytica and Trypanosoma ssp. His post-doctoral work at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory focused on detection and treatment of Clostridium botulinum neurotoxin. My Ph.D. at Washington State University was in Microbiology and Infectious Disease focusing on Campylobacter jejuni disease correlates.
- PhD (Washington State University)