The Harmonia Activity: Communities Stopping Gender-Based Violence
The Harmonia Activity will apply a people-to-people approach to stop GBV by having more equitable gender power relations and improved gender-sensitive health services for women in 30 villages in two municipalities. The activity will help shift attitudes and social norms toward peaceful resolution of conflict and train health providers to support clients experiencing GBV. The activity will focus on two different but complementary areas: 1) Community microplanning (CMP) to bring together an inclusive, intergenerational coalition of community members to openly discuss harmful social norms related to Gender –based violence and identify solutions that will lead to peace in communities where there is violence and conflict; 2) The provision of training for health providers to increase awareness, knowledge, sensitivity and counseling skills to support victims of GBV and increase appropriate referrals to support services. The Harmonia Activity is funded through the United States Agency for International Development.