United World Antiviral Research Network
This is a center within the NIAID Pandemic Detection and Response Network, called CREID for Centers for Research in Emerging Infectious Diseases. CREID covers 30 countries. UWARN has international partners in 5 countries, Brazil (FIOCRUZ Salvador and Rio de Janeiro), Pakistan (Aga Khan University), Senegal (IRESSEF), South Africa (KRISP) and Taiwan (RCEVI, Chang Gung University). UWARN will concentrate on arboviruses and SARS-CoV-2, while providing surveillance of viruses humans, animals, and vectors (e.g. mosquitoes). UWARN will develop neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (in collaboration with the Intl Partners and Rockefeller University), study novel diagnostics from the UW Institute for Protein Design, and study immune responses to viruses that lead to differing clinical outcomes with the Center for Innate Immunity and Immune Diseases (CIIID).