283 Projects found
- Advancing Universal Health Coverage in Bangladesh
- Development, Implementation, Use and Evaluation of Interoperable Health Information Systems to Achieve HIV/AIDS and TB Epidemic Control through Improved Health Informatics Policy, Governance, Workforce Capacity, and Systems under PEPFAR
- Dynamic trends in HIV incidence by age and sex in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
- Evaluating peer-mediated assisted partner services among people who inject drugs in Kenya: delivery, cost and budget impact
- Geographic risk-scoring tools for targeted HIV prevention
- Integrated Next-generation Surveillance in Global Health: Translation to Action (INSIGHT to Action)
- Makerere Epilepsy Project
- Mobile WACh Empower: Mobile Solutions to Empower Reproductive Life Planning for Women Living With HIV
- Operations research to strengthen public health system responses to COVID-19 care, diagnosis, treatment, and management, and to avert disinformation
- The Community-based ART REtention and Suppression (CARES) App: an innovation to improve patient monitoring and evaluation data in community-based antiretroviral therapy programs in Lilongwe, Malawi.
- The Harmonia Activity: Communities Stopping Gender-Based Violence
- The Seattle Flu Study (SFS) and the Seattle Coronavirus Assessment Network (SCAN)
- V-OLA: point of care HIV viral load monitoring and drug resistance testing
- A Demonstration Project of Truvada Based Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) to Prevent HIV Infection in Female Sex Workers
- A Multi-center, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Phase 3 Efficacy Study of a Heterologous Vaccine Regimen of Ad26.Mos4.HIV and Adjuvanted Clade C gp140 and Mosaic gp140 to Prevent HIV-1 Infection Among Cis-gender Men and Transgender Individual
- A Multisectoral Strategy to Address Persistent Drivers of the HIV Epidemic in East Africa
- A novel REverse Transcriptase Chain Termination (RESTRICT) assay for near-patient, objective monitoring of long-term PrEP adherence
- A One Health Approach to Antimicrobial Resistance in the Salish Sea
- A parallel-group, Phase III, multi-stage, modified double-blind, multi-armed study to assess the efficacy, safety, and immunogenicity of two SARS-CoV-2 Adjuvanted Recombinant Protein Vaccines (monovalent and bivalent) for prevention against COVID-19
- A randomized adaptive multi-arm-controlled trial to reduce mortality and readmission among children with HIV and severe acute malnutrition in sub-Saharan Africa
- Accelerating Delivery of rheUmatic heart disease preventive iNterventions in Uganda (ADUNU)
- Acceptability of Sustained-Release Antiretrovirals for Treatment in the US and sub-Saharan Africa
- ACTIoN: Study of ACuTe Infections on Novel HIV Prevention Modalities Description
- Advanced development and clinical evaluation of a synthetic intranasal Entamoeba histolytica vaccine containing adjuvant
- Advancing Innovative Next-Generation Heterologous Vaccines Against Tuberculosis
- Advancing Sustainable Implementation of Comprehensive HIV/TB Services for Epidemic Control in the Republic of Mozambique
- Aerobiology, immunology, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis transmission
- Air Pollution Exposures in Early Life and Brain Development in Children
- American Heart Association Strategically Funded Research Networks
- An Assessment of HIV Drug Resistance among Seroconversions in Users of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis in Kenya
- An individualized approach to promote nurturing care in low- and middle-income countries: a hybrid effectiveness implementation trial of the international guide for monitoring child development
- Assessing the determinants of durable protective immunity in SARS-CoV-2 infected human subjects
- Atencion Primaria en Salud Nicaragua (APS) | Primary Health Care Nicaragua
- Best practices to integrate novel PrEP products into existing platforms for oral PrEP delivery
- Better Evidence for Intervention Priority Setting Around the World (Supplement to IHME Global Public Goods: Global Burden of Disease, Forecasting, and Resource Tracking)
- Biologically informed design of CD8+ T cell-dependent pre-erythrocytic stage malaria vaccines
- Botanicals as novel sources of antiviral and anti-inflammatory compounds.
- Breast Cancer Initiative 2.5
- Building an ecosystem for better monitoring and communicating safety of medicines used in pregnancy and breastfeeding; validated and regulatory endorsed workflows for fast, optimized evidence generation (ConcePTION)
- Building Capacity to Address the Burden of Cardiometabolic Risk Factors and Diseases in LMICs
- Building leadership & management capabilities in ministries of health
- Capacity Building for Sustainable HIV Services Program
- Caribbean Quality Improvement Collaborative
- Centro de Investigaciones Tecnológicas, Biomédicas y Medioambientales
- CFAR: Behavioral Science Core
- CFAR: Immunology Core
- CFAR: Implementation Science Core
- CFAR: Retrovirology and Molecular Data Science Core
- Choice-Based PrEP Delivery for Transgender People in Uganda
- CHV-NEO: Community-based digital communication to support neonatal health
- Climate Change and Migration
- Clinical Assessment for Systems Strengthening (ClASS)
- Cluster RCT of the Systems Analysis and Improvement Approach to improve integration of HIV prevention and treatment services in family planning clinics at Ministry of Health program scale in Kenya
- Colaboracion Evita
- Computational Immunology
- Consortia for HIV/AIDS Vaccine Development
- Continuous Medical Education, Distance Learning, and Consultation Warmline
- Cookstove Intervention in rural India
- Coronary Atherosclerosis and Immune Activation in HIV and Tuberculosis Infection
- Countering Backlash, Reclaiming Gender Justice
- COVID-19 and Pets Study (CAPS)
- COVID-related Venezuelan community health assessment
- De-medicalization among health care providers in Sudan
- Defining BCR Evolution during Immunization
- Defining the protective efficacy of antibodies against the EBV gH/gL glycoprotein complex
- Dengue antigen design for a safe effective vaccine
- Design Action Alliance | Nepal
- Design and Testing of Novel Vaccines Against Epstein-Barr Virus
- Designing an Intervention to Increase Men's Linkage to Care and Prevention after HIV Self-Testing in Uganda
- Developing a Regional Interfaith Government Partnership
- Developing and Evaluating Point-of-Care Antigen and Immunoassays for COVID-19 and Cytokine Release Syndrome among people being screened for SARS-CoV-2 infection in Seattle
- Developing data science solutions to mitigate the health impacts of climate change in Africa: the HE2AT Center
- Developing Family Medicine in Tanzania
- Developing Immunotherapy Approaches to Target Surface Proteins on Virally Infected Cancer Cells
- Developing Novel HIV-1 Vaccine Immunogens
- Development and Evaluation of a self-amplifying RNA vaccine against the S and N proteins of SARS-CoV-2
- Development and Evaluation of an adjuvanted protein pan-coronavirus vaccine
- Development and Implementation of a Digital Optimization Toolkit for Management of Heart Failure (DOT-HF) after Discharge (DOT-HF)
- Development of a pre-erythrocytic P. vivax vaccine to prevent clinical relapse
- Development of a primary healthcare system
- Development of Exploratory Operations Research to Decrease Loss-to-Follow-up of HIV+ Pregnant Women
- Development of pregnancy study cohorts and biobanks
- Dhulikhel Heart Study
- Diagnosing Domestic Violence: How Are We Doing? The Culture of DV Screening and Disclosure in an Urban Hospital Setting
- Discovery & Exploration of Emerging Pathogens - Viral Zoonoses (DEEP VZN)
- Disease Control Priorities Project (Bergen Center for Ethics and Priority Setting)
- Disease Expenditure Project
- DoxyPEP: Evaluation of doxycycline post-exposure prophylaxis to reduce sexually transmitted infections in PrEP users and HIV-infected men who have sex with men and transgender women
- Drug Resistance Genotypic and Phenotypic Correlates of Efavirenz and Dolutegravir based Treatment Outcomes across Non-B HIV-1 subtypes
- Drug, microbiome, and immune determinants of neurodevelopmental outcomes in HEU
- Effects of Human Milk Oligosaccharides and Gut Microbiome on Growth and Morbidity in HIV-Exposed Uninfected Infants
- Emergency preparedness in the US and LMIC's
- Emergency Response System: Tanzania
- End Malaria Project
- Enhancing Pediatric Diagnosis of Tuberculosis with FLOW Technology
- Enhancing Quality of Healthcare Activity (EQHA)
- Estimating neglected tropical disease burden for the Global Burden of Disease Study.
- Estimating vaccine coverage and vaccine-preventable disease burden for the Global Burden of Disease Study.
- Evaluate and optimize a virtual care model for PrEP delivery
- Evaluation of Heat Action Plan intervention in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
- Evaluation of the Coptic Hospital / University of Washington Collaborative HIV-1 Care Program - Kenya
- Evaluation of the Youth Health Africa (YHA) Project
- Examination of the Immune Response to Mycobacteria
- Expanding and Scaling Two-way Texting to Reduce Unnecessary Follow-Up and Improve Adverse Event Identification Among Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision Clients in the Republic of South Africa
- Expanding Surgical Services in Kampala, Uganda
- Expansion and targeted maturation of germline HIV-1 bNAb-associated BCRs
- Expansion and targeted maturation of germline HIV-1 bNAb-associated BCRs
- Expansion of Index Case Strategy to increase HIV+ case finding and improve continuum of care
- FabLab Nepal / Accessible Fabrication Initiative
- Family Planning and Women’s Sexual and Economic Empowerment
- Financing Global Health
- Fred Hutch Breast Cancer Clinical Validation Center
- Fred Hutch Cancer Center Lung SPORE
- GAPPS Repository
- George Povey Social Justice and Activism in Global Health Fellowship
- Gestational diabetes, hypertension and metabolic syndrome after delivery
- Ghana Integrated ANC Project
- Global Burden of Disease Study
- Global Health Clinical Elective (GHCE)
- Global Health Financing
- Global Infectious Diseases and Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Research Training in Kenya
- GO Health Fellowship (Global Opportunities Health Fellowship)
- HAARVI: Hospitalized or Ambulatory Adults with Respiratory Viral Infections
- Health Alliance International's Advocacy Program
- HEU outcomes: population-evaluation and screening strategies (HOPE)
- High-Sensitivity Lateral Flow Rapid Protein-Binding Assays for Pathogens
- HIV Vaccine Trials Network (HVTN)
- HIVAcute and HIVAlert
- HPV Vaccine Acceleration Partners Platform Initiative (HAPPI)
- Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) Elimination Initiative
- I-TECH Botswana
- I-TECH Certificate Program in Laboratory Leadership and Management
- I-TECH Haiti/Centre Haïtien pour le Renforcement du Système de Santé (CHARESS)
- I-TECH Kenya
- I-TECH Malawi
- I-TECH Mozambique
- I-TECH Namibia
- I-TECH Tanzania
- I-TECH Technical Assistance to Governments of the Caribbean Region
- I-TECH Technical Assistance to Lao PDR
- I-TECH Technical Assistance to the Government of Cambodia
- I-TECH Ukraine
- I-TECH Zimbabwe
- Identification of drug-targetable IFN-stimulated genes mediating immune activation during ART-treated HIV-1 infection
- iHMP: The Multi-Omic Microbiome Study-Pregnancy Initiative (MOMS-PI)
- Immune Mechanisms of Protection Against Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Center (Cascade IMPAc-TB)
- Immunologic, Inflammatory, and Clinical contributors to HIV-Related Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction (HFpEF)
- Immunology of Merkel cell carcinoma
- IMPACT Center: Optimizing Evidence-Based Practice Implementation for Clinical Impact
- Impact of COVID-19 on Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (NHPI) Wellbeing
- Implementation of Ring Strategy for Community-engaged Control of Neurocysticercosis (RING).
- Implementation science research on PrEP delivery and costing within methadone treatment and syringe services for people who inject drugs in Uganda
- Implementing Collaborative Care in General Practices in France
- Impower-022 Phase III safety and efficacy trial of once monthly Islatravir for HIV prevention among cisgender women
- Improving Clinical Training of Medical Students, and Promoting Curriculum Change for Primary Care
- Improving the HIV Care Cascade in Kenya through Implementation Science Training
- Improving the Quality, Safety, and Productivity of the National Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) Program
- Innovative Support For Patients with SARS-COV-2 Infections (INSPIRE) Registry
- Integrating PrEP delivery in family planning clinics in Kenya
- InterAction Nepal
- Jak-STAT Control of Zika Virus Induced Fetal Injury
- Kenya Tuberculosis Research & Training Program-UW (KTRTP UW)
- Kinetics, evolution, and effector function of Fc repertoires during vaccination with native-like Env trimers
- Lactoferrin and lysozyme to promote nutritional, clinical, and enteric recovery: A factorial placebo-controlled randomized trial among children with diarrhea and malnutrition.
- Large Scale T cell epitope discovery
- Launch Speedometer
- Leadership and Management in Health Certificate
- Leadership Group for the Infectious Diseases Clinical Research Consortium (IDCRC-LG)
- Leading Global Service Learning Study-Abroad Trips to Rwanda, India, and Nepal
- Links between cardiovascular disease, lung disease, and obstructive sleep apnea in HIV: Understanding complex patients
- M. tuberculosis exosome detection for pediatric TB diagnosis
- Malaria Evolution in South Asia
- Maternal Immunization Pharmacovigilance in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
- Microneedle Patch Research
- Mobile Virtual Simulation Training in Essential Newborn Care for Healthcare Workers in Low and Middle Income Countries
- Mobile WACh NEO: Communication Empowering Mothers and Newborns
- Molecular Detection of Pathogens in Environmental and Clinical Samples
- Mortality and Causes of Death Measurement
- Multi-center, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Phase 3 Efficacy Study of a Heterologous Vaccine Regimen of Ad26.Mos4.HIV and Adjuvanted Clade C gp140 and Mosaic gp140 to Prevent HIV-1 Infection Among Cis-gender Men and transgender Individuals
- Multivalent Flavivirus Vaccine Development Using a Flexible Replicating RNA Platform
- Namibia Mechanism for Public Health Assistance, Capacity, and Technical Support II (NAM-PHACTS II)
- Neutralizing and non-neutralizing antibody effector functions in HIV infected children
- NextGen Long-acting and Targeted Combination ART for Children with HIV
- NIAID Centers of Excellence for Influenza Research and Response
- Nicaragua Social Medicine Course
- NIH/NIAID HVTN Laboratory Program
- NIH/NIAID Mucosal CTL Induction After HIV Exposure and Vaccination
- Operational Research in FGM/C Surveillance
- Optimizing Implementation in Cancer Control: OPTICC
- Orphan-Widow-Volunteer based program
- Pediatric Emergency and Critical Care Fellowship in Kenya
- Pediatric Emergency and Critical Care Kenya (PECC-Kenya)
- Pediatric HIV reservoir determinants and consequences
- Peer PrEP referral + HIV self-test delivery for PrEP initiation and among young Kenyan women
- PEPFAR Partnership Framework Policy Monitoring Project
- Phase 3 Evaluation of the Islatravir (EFdA) Monthly Oral Formulation
- Point-of-care Urine Monitoring of Adherence (PUMA): Testing a Real-Time Urine Assay of Tenofovir in PrEP
- Population Health Initiative in Peru
- Post Treatment Control of HIV infection when treatment is started during primary infection.
- PrEP and dPEP: Doxycycline post-exposure prophylaxis for prevention of sexually transmitted infections among Kenyan women using HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis
- Prevention of Preterm Birth Grand Challenge Initiative
- Primary healthcare performance improvement and poverty reduction in China (implementation and IE projects)
- Program in Education and Research in Latin America (PERLA)
- Progress towards Hepatitis C Elimination in Washington State
- Promoting Curriculum Change for Primary Care
- Promoting data quality improvement through the integration of HIS into workflows of nurses
- Promotion of COVID-19 Vaccination in Emergency Department (PROCOVAXED)
- Pulitzer Center International Reporting Fellowship
- REACH (Reaching all children with Azithromycin to prevent infant and child mortality)
- REACH: Resident Education and Advocacy for Child Health
- Reproductive empowerment and contraceptive choice among adolescent girls and young women in Kenya: A person-centered approach to unintended pregnancy prevention (The MARA Study)
- Repurposing of antibiotics for syphilis and yaws treatment.
- Research and Patient-centered tools for men with Prostate Cancer.
- Resistance to M. tuberculosis
- Respiratory infections in hospitalized adults
- Risk heterogeneity across the 90-90-90
- Same-Day PrEP Initiation and Sexual Health for Transgender Women
- Scaling Out and Scaling Up the Systems Analysis and Improvement Approach to Optimize the Hypertension Diagnosis and Care Cascade for HIV-infected Individuals (SCALE SAIA-HTN)
- Seattle Lung Specialized Program of Research Excellence (SPORE)
- Seattle Malaria Clinical Trials Center (MCTC)
- Seattle TB Research Advancement Center
- Simplifying HIV Treatment and Monitoring (STREAM2): Point-of-Care Urine Tenofovir Adherence and Viral Load Testing to Improve HIV Outcomes in South Africa
- Spatial Epidemiology of HIV Transmission in High Burden Areas
- Standing Tall - A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of a Community-Based Intervention to Improve Health Outcomes for Newly Diagnosed HIV-Positive Young Adults in South Africa
- Stergachis Endowed Fellowship for International Exchange
- Strategy and partnerships for the American Society for Microbiology.
- Strengthening Laboratory Infrastructure and Technical Capability and Training of the Healthcare Workforce (Laboratory, Physicians, Pharmacists) in Cambodia
- Strengthening the Blood Pressure Care and Treatment Cascade for Ugandans Living with HIV– Implementation Strategies to SAve Lives (PULESA-UGANDA)
- Structure based drug design against sexually transmitted bacteria.
- Subclinical cardiac dysfunction after delivery
- Support to the Mozambican Ministry of Health HIV ART Therapeutic Committees
- Supporting Immunization for Pregnant Women
- Supporting the Provision of Comprehensive HIV Testing, Treatment, Care, and Support Services in the Republic of Zimbabwe
- Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance in Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
- Sustainable Development for Improved HIV Health and Prevention in Kenya (SD4H-Kenya)
- Syphilis Vaccine to Protect against Local and Disseminated T. pallidum Infection.
- Systems analysis and improvement approach (SAIA) to improve integration of HIV prevention and treatment services
- Systems Analysis and Improvement Approach to Optimize the Task-Shared Mental Health Treatment Cascade (SAIA-MH): A Cluster Randomized Trial
- TB Trials Consortium (TBTC)
- Technical Assistance to the National School Feeding Programme in Nigeria
- Testing implementation strategies to improve delivery of PrEP for pregnant and postpartum women in Kenya
- The Childhood Acute Illness & Nutrition (CHAIN) Network
- The Childhood Acute Illness and Nutrition (CHAIN) Consortium
- The effect of HIV exposure and infection on immunity to TB in children
- The effect of pharmacy-delivered PrEP services on reach and access in Kenya
- The GAIN (Greater Access and Impact with NAT) Study: Improving HIV Diagnosis, Linkage to Care, and Prevention Services with HIV Point-of-Care Nucleic Acid Tests (NATs)
- The Global Assessment of Zoonotic Exposure Risks (GAZER)
- The PERU Clinical Trials Unit
- The role of enteric pathogens and antimicrobial resistance in driving clinical and nutritional deterioration, and azithromycin's potential effect, among children discharged from hospital in Kenya
- The University of Washington / Fred Hutch Center for AIDS Research
- The UW Medical Student Addiction Research (MedStAR) Program to Address Substance Use and Disorders in Urban and Rural Communities in Five Western States
- Thomas Francis Jr. Fellowships
- Tissue Regulatory T Cells in Mucosal Infection
- Tissue resident memory response to VZV infection
- Tracking Disparities in the Effective Delivery of Health Services
- Training of Trainers
- Translating Autoantibodies into Chimeric Antigen Receptor-T Cell Therapy for Small Cell Lung Cancer
- Tuberculosis biomarkers and diagnosis
- Tumor-specific autoantibodies for SCLC early detection
- Ukombozi Program: Tanzania
- Unconventional T cells and TB
- Understanding and Testing Recovery Processes for PTSD and Alcohol Use following Sexual Assault
- Understanding human exposure to tuberculosis and related diseases
- Understanding the dynamics of animal contact, land tenure, and impact on health in pastoralist communities in Kenya
- Understanding the role of schools in supporting HIV treatment outcomes among HIV infected adolescents (TIMIZA)
- United World Antiviral Research Network
- University of Washington Arboviral Research Network (UWARN)
- University of Washington Behavioral Research Center for HIV (BIRCH)
- University of Washington Developmental AIDS Research Center for Mental Health (UW ARCH)
- University of Washington Vaccine and Treatment Evaluation
- Using peers and HIV self-testing to facilitate linkage to PrEP for young Kenyan women
- Utilizing Technology to Facilitate Active Case Detection and Decentralized Dynamic Registry to Improve the Uptake of Rheumatic Heart Disease Secondary Prevention (ADD-RHD)
- UW Center for AIDS Research: Humoral Immunology Subcore
- V-OLA: Point-of-care HIV Viral Load Monitoring and Drug Resistance Testing
- Vaccines for Pregnant Women
- WHO-Recommended Periodic Presumptive Treatment versus Doxycycline Post-Exposure Prophylaxis for STI Control among Cisgender Men Who Have Sex with Men in Kenya
- Zambia Health Resource Tracker
- Kristina Adams Waldorf
- Wisal Ahmed
- Adam Akullian
- Jorge O. Alarcon
- Clive Anderson
- Benjamin O. Anderson
- Michele P Andrasik
- Jared Baeten
- Gena Barnabee
- Michele A Bedard-Gilligan
- Christopher B. Behrens
- Kristin M Beima-Sofie
- Sarah Benki
- James Berkley
- Satish Bhagwanjee
- Paula Brentlinger
- Elizabeth Bukusi
- Jerry Cangelosi
- Corey Casper
- Connie Celum
- Rachel R Chapman
- Batsirai Jean L Chikwinya
- Baltazar Goncalo Chilundo
- Bhavna Chohan
- Helen Y Chu
- Lydia Chwastiak
- Sara Curran
- Abhijit Das
- Tulio de Oliveira
- Donna M. Denno
- Bazghina W. S. Dessalegn
- Joseph Dieleman
- Christopher M Dodd
- Shannon Dorsey
- Ann Downer
- Paul K. Drain
- Alison Drake
- Lesley Drake
- Ann C Duerr
- Kristie Ebi
- Ferric Fang
- Carey Farquhar
- Caryl Feldacker
- Abraham D Flaxman
- Norbert Forster
- Christopher Fox
- Lisa M. Frenkel
- Sarah Gimbel
- Geoffrey S. Gottlieb
- Susan M. Graham
- Elizabeth Harrington
- Stephen E. Hawes
- Thomas R. Hawn
- Anna Hedstrom
- Renee Heffron
- Jeremy Johnson Hess
- Subhash Hira
- Sarah E. Holte
- Jean Honore
- David Horne
- Peter Houck
- Kevin Hybiske
- Andreas Jahn
- Dean Jamison
- Grace C. John-Stewart
- Stefan Kappe
- Nicholas J. Kassebaum
- Sadaf Khan
- John Kinuthia
- Sonali Kochhar
- David Koelle
- Pamela Kohler
- James G. Kublin
- Hmwe Hmwe Kyu
- Sylvia M LaCourse
- Javier Ricardo Lama
- Scott LaMontagne
- Paul Lampe
- Jeff Lane
- Jairam Lingappa
- Bill Lober
- James P LoGerfo
- Chris Longenecker
- Jennifer M Lund
- Romel D. Mackelprang
- Kishorchandra N Mandaliya
- Julian Marshall
- Sarah Masyuko
- R. Scott McClelland
- Christine J McGrath
- Andrew McGuire
- Arianna Means
- Julianne Meisner
- Elizabeth A. Mogford
- Jonathan F Mosser
- Lydia Mpanga Sebuyira
- Florindo M Mudender
- Kenneth K Mugwanya
- Andrew Mujugira
- Robert Mukisa
- James I Mullins
- Mohsen Naghavi
- Robert D. Newman
- Kenneth K. Ngure
- David Nickle
- Irene Njuguna
- Kelli O'Laughlin
- Gabrielle O'Malley
- Katrina Ortblad
- Toritse Orubu
- Alfred Osoti
- Suzinne Pak-Gorstein
- Patricia B Pavlinac
- Stephen J. Polyak
- Nancy Puttkammer
- Peter Rabinowitz
- Lakshmi Rajagopal
- Deepa Rao
- Pradip Rathod
- Barbra Richardson
- Julia E. Robinson
- Keshet Ronen
- Greg Roth
- Christine Rousseau
- Craig E MD Ph.D. Rubens
- Jorge L Sanchez
- Noah Sather
- Chetan Seshadri
- Monisha Sharma
- Mark G Shepard
- Kenneth Sherr
- Benson Singa
- Joseph Smith
- Olusegun O. Soge
- Michael Spencer
- Benjamin R. Spencer
- Leonidas Stamatatos
- Matthew S. Steele
- Susan M. Thompson
- Kirk Tickell
- Indi Trehan
- Rachel A Umoren
- Wesley C Van Voorhis
- Amelie von Saint Andre-von Arnim
- Brad Wagenaar
- Anjuli Wagner
- Judd L Walson
- Judith Wasserheit
- David Watkins
- Marcia Weaver
- Bryan Weiner
- Paul Yager
- Henry D. Ziegler
- Joseph Zunt