- Clinical Associate Professor, Global Health
- Medical Director, Global Healthcare Consulting

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Dr. Sonali Kochhar, MD, Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Global Health, University of Washington, Seattle; Scientific Researcher, Department of Public Health, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam and Medical Director, Global Healthcare Consulting, has twenty years of experience in a Leadership position for Global Phase I-IV Clinical Research, Epidemiology and Safety Studies for Vaccines and Drugs conducted in the U.S., Europe, Asia, Africa and India in Adult and Pediatric populations, Infectious Diseases, Vaccines for Pregnant Women, Introduction of New Vaccines, Healthcare Systems Strengthening (including Governance, Capacity Building, Logistics, Supply Chains) for Immunization and Maternal and Child Health programs, Pandemic Preparedness, HIV/AIDs Prevention, Care and Treatment, Maternal and Child Health, and working with vulnerable and at-risk populations (including MSMs, IDUs and Sex Workers).
She has been responsible for leading international projects and teams in thirteen Asian and five African countries, Europe and the U.S.
She has helped set International Strategic Partnerships, Policy Development, Institutional Strengthening, Strategy and Advocacy with Government Partners (across Asia-Pacific, Africa, and South America), International Aid Agencies, Public Health Authorities, International Organizations (e.g. WHO, NIH, CDC), Regulatory Bodies (the FDA, EMEA, African and Asian National Regulatory Authorities), Ethical Committees, Pharmaceutical Companies, Local Communities and the Media.
She has co-authored internationally accepted Safety Standards, Case definitions of Adverse Events, Guidelines and Template Research Protocols for Vaccine Research. She is the Lead for the development of Maternal and Neonatal Case Definitions for Maternal Immunisation (MI) and has co-authored guidelines for safety data for MI clinical trials and studies. The definitions are being utilized in clinical research, studies and surveillance for Vaccines and Maternal and Child Health Research globally.
She serves on International Steering Committees, Scientific Advisory Boards and as Guest Faculty for International Public Health and Vaccinology Programs. She is the PI of international projects on MI and Immunisation Systems Strengthening.
- MD (University of Delhi)
- MBBS (University of Delhi)
- English
- Hindi
- Bioethics
- Burden of Disease
- Business and Public Private Partnerships
- COVID-19
- Diarrheal Diseases
- Distance Learning
- Drug and Vaccine Development
- Ebola
- Epidemiology
- Gender
- Health Policy
- Health Policy and Advocacy
- Health Systems Strengthening and Human Resources Development
- Immunizations
- Infectious Diseases
- Influenza
- Neglected Diseases, Tropical Medicine (incl. Parasites)
- Research
- TB
- Viruses
- Waterborne Diseases
• Planning for COVID-19 Vaccines Safety surveillance. Kochhar S, Salmon D. Vaccine, 2020.
• Balancing Expediency and Scientific Rigor in SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Development. Graepel KW, Kochhar S, Clayton EW et al. J Infect Dis. 2020. pii: jiaa234. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiaa234
• Ethics of Conducting Clinical Research in an Outbreak Setting. Edwards KM, Kochhar S. Annu Rev Virol. 2020. doi: 10.1146/annurev-virology-013120-013123
• The Brighton Collaboration Standardized Template for Collection of Key Information for Benefit-Risk Assessment of Protein Vaccines. Kochhar S, Kim D, Excler JL et al. Vaccine, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vaccine.2020.06.044
• Introduction of New Vaccines for Immunization in Pregnancy- Programmatic, Regulatory and Safety Considerations. Kochhar S, Edwards K, Ortiz J et al. Vaccine 2019, 37:25, 3267-3277. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vaccine.2019.04.075