- Affiliate Associate Professor, Global Health
- Affiliate Associate Professor, Env. and Occ. Health Sciences

Fred Hutch Cancer Center
1100 Fairview Avenue N, E3-300
Seattle, WA 98109
United States
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Michele Andrasik works to address psychosocial and structural factors associated with HIV risk and STI disparities among marginalized communities in the US. Her efforts have focused on developing collaborative and reciprocal relationships between researchers, community members and organizations to address existing health disparities. In her work with the HIV Vaccine Trials Network (HVTN) she works to improve behavioral risk assessment, enrollment, recruitment and retention in preventive HIV vaccine trials. Dr. Andrasik also works to address the impact of stigma on disparities across the HIV care continuum. Dr. Andrasik has a doctoral degree in Clinical Health Psychology from the University of Miami and is an expert in Community-Based Participatory Research approaches and Qualitative methods. Prior to returning to graduate school, she worked as Director of AIDS services for a community based organization with locations in the New York City boroughs of Brooklyn and Manhattan. Currently, she is the lead Behavioral Scientist at the Fred Hutch Cancer Center’s (FHCRC) HVTN, Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Global Health at the University of Washington (UW), and Core Faculty in the FHCRC/UW Center for AIDS Research Sociobehavioral Prevention Research Core.
- PhD (University of Miami (Florida))
- MS (University of Miami (Florida))
- MA (Columbia University)
- MEd (Columbia University)
- BA (New York University)
- Community-Based Participatory Research
- COVID-19
- Health Disparities
- Infectious Diseases
- Race
- Social Determinants of Health
- Social Justice and Human Rights
- Sociobehavioral
- Transgender Health
Andrasik M, Grove D, Broder G, Scott H, Allen M, Karuna S. A Descriptive Analysis of Transgender Participants in Phase 1-2a trials of the HIV Vaccine Trials Network (HVTN) in the United States and Peru. Vaccine (in press)
Huamani KF, Metch B, Broder G, Andrasik M. A Demographic Analysis of Minority Enrollment into HIVTN prevention early phase HIV Vaccine Clinical Trials conducted in the United States, 2002-2016. Public Health Reports. 134(1): 72-80. 2019
Thiam-Diouf A, Metch B, Sharpe C, Mulugeta R, Andrasik MP. Substance use patterns of HVTN phase I clinical trial participants: Enrollment, risk reduction counseling and retention. Vaccine 36(9):1235-1242. 2018
Rao D, Andrasik MP, Lipira L. HIV Stigma Among Black Women in the United States: Intersectionality, Support, Resilience. AJPH 108(4):446-448. 2018
Siskind RL, Andrasik M, Karuna ST, Broder GB, Collins C, Liu A, Lucas JP, Harper GW, Renzullo PO. Engaging Transgender People in NIH-Funded HIV/AIDS Clinical Trials Research. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 72(Suppl 3): S243-S247. 2016.